Digital Wellness Startup to Launch Soon

How’s Today? to launch as a digital mental health & wellness hub.

The Problem: Patient dropout can be 40-60% over the course of therapy treatment. How’s Today? of Crystal Lake was created as a solution.

Launching November 1, 2021, How's Today? is a website that functions as a virtual wellness destination that in person (non-telehealth only) therapists can offer their clients as an add-on resource between sessions of therapy.

“Mental health recovery takes time, isn’t a linear path, and is unique to each person’s experience,” said Michael Cygan. “With How’s Today? clients are empowered to take learnings from therapy and find real world ways to manage their mental health. Every day there’s something new to support them in their journey.”

Cygan, marketing coordinator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness Barrington Area and other groups, said How’s Today? is personal for him as a person who has been in treatment for bipolar disorder for about 9 years.

24/7 Resource

Available 24/7, a feed of mental health content and wellness resources assists those living with mental illness manage time healthily between sessions of therapy, as well as a weekly newsletter that curates from government, nonprofit and academic wellness sources.

A streaming service specifically built for mental health & wellness, and tailored towards the specific needs of clients of in person therapists. Unlimited access to free virtual live yoga classes, art classes, cooking classes, meditations, gardening classes, walking groups, and more will be available for clients to access, as well as recordings to watch at their own pace, bridging the gap between time spent in and out of therapy.

Mental health practitioners have a portal where they can blog directly to patients, or schedule virtual/in-person events for their practice’s clients. Lists of resources are curated and made available, like free support groups and emergency services. Every day there's always something new to sustain a clients' wellness.

Get Invovled

How's Today? is launching in downtown Crystal Lake, out of a newly built livestreaming studio. If you are a private practice therapist, mental health practitioner, or provider of a wellness service that would like to join How's Today?'s launch, join today for a 6 month free trial.

For more, visit Follow on Facebook and Instagram.

Erica Burke